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, by Richard Wake

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Product details
File Size: 1250 KB
Print Length: 294 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Manor and State, LLC (December 3, 2018)
Publication Date: December 3, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#6,066 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I had never heard of the author but the genre and historical time period is one I really enjoy. I was very pleasantly surprised! Richard Wake tells a really good story! His storytelling reminds me a bit of the Bernie Gunther novels by Philip Kerr. The characters are likeable, the story is paced well and there's the right amount of suspense. I like to learn something new about an historical time period when I read, and I think that Mr. Wake did a really great job researching Austria during the years leading up to the Aunschluss. I did in fact learn things I didn't know previously even though I am fairly knowledgeable of the time period. As another reviewer noted, there are many grammatical and editing errors in the kindle edition but not enough to distract me from reading. When I finished the book, I immediately downloaded the second. I am looking forward to reading it!
I seldom buy a new author. This is an era of history which I enjoy and with which I am thoroughly familiar, so I took the chance. The story rings true and the characters soon catch your interest and indeed, fondness. There are rather numerous ordinary editing errors, misspellings and a few grammar errors. Easily forgiven. Mr. Frank is very talented and I urge anyone who enjoys the World War Two era in literature to join the band wagon of this fine new author.
Although this book in the genre I enjoy for some reason I couldn’t quite get into it and was tempted to leave a 3 star review but then realized it was much better than the other $5 books I have read at Amazon so I bumped it to 4 stars. Having said that I did read the second book “The Spies of Zurich†and thoroughly enjoyed it. The author really hit his stride in the second book and although not necessary to keep up, I recommend reading this one and following up with the second in the series. Looking forward to his next release.
People reviewing the book have compared it to Kerr's series about Bernie Gunther. I have read all of the books in that series. While I enjoyed this book, when I encounter historical errors, it makes me wish the author had done a little more research. You will find almost no errors in the entire Gunther series.At one point in the book, Alex is staying at a hotel near the Burgerbrau Keller. He sees evidence of the beginnings of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch on the evening of November 8th. The author than talks about the gunfire and deaths that occur that evening in the battle between the Nazis and police at the beer hall. In fact Hitler and his followers waited until the following morning and marched at 11.a.m. from the beer hall towards the Marienplatz. When they reached the Odeonplatz near the Feldherrn Halle, they encountered about 100 policeman. In the battle that followed 16 Nazis and 3 policeman were killed and the Nazis fled.If the author is ever to be compared with Kerr he just needs to make actual historical events are accurate. It is not hard.
Like many other reviewers, I picked this up because I needed another "fix" of Euro-drama set in the interwar years. I had completed the Bernie Gunther series by the late Philip Kerr and the first couple Gereon Rath mysteries of Volker Kutscher but was looking for some variety. Alex Kovacs, the protagonist in this series, is a somewhat carefree travelling salesman whose ability to travel freely around 1930s Austria and Germany attracts the attention of his native Czech Intelligence Services who recruit him to be a courier. Reluctant at first because of his laizesse-faire attitude about politics, his observations of Nazi brutality and even a more personal tragedy propel him into the world of espionage. The pace and prose of the story keeps the reader entertained. Alex is the eternal smart-ass....cracking jokes with his pals and conquering the ladies as any good spy or gumshoe should. If I had any complaint, the patter can sometimes seem a bit too late-20th century but this may be by design of the author to keep modern readers area where he rarely fails to deliver! Highly recommended and, as I write this, I am already halfway through the second installment...."The Spies of Zurich"
I totally enjoyed this debut novel by Richard Wake. I found the characters to be engaging and interesting. The story was quite different too. It's a spy thriller and mystery at the same time. I liked all of the characters and found them to be nicely developed. Alex Kovacs makes a good MC and an often humorous narrator. I buy the second book immediately upon finishing the first and have enjoyed it, too. I'll soon be purchasing the third novel.
I liked the subject matter, the character development and the style of writing. The author uses multiple short chapters which has the effect of moving from one sequence of events to another quickly and also allowing for lapses to cover background info on the characters.
This author is new to me, I really enjoyed this good mystery! Looking forward to reading the next series! You will enjoy this book!
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